
Ex Patria

Ilyana offers a last souvenir to Erica on the final day of their study abroad year, sparking a discussion of values and identity with their futures on the line.

The There

Two U.S. women who turned their backs on their homeland and spent most of their 20s living together as expatriates in Berlin, Germany reunite in Austin, Texas and find their lives have taken divergent paths.


20 years after a traumatic event, two old friends reunite in an abandoned detention center in Poland where one has become involved with a group of radicals occupying the site where the U.S. tortured people.


A long-lost sister fallen from family grace and bearing the scars of her rebellions returns after the death of her father to "Overwood", her childhood home. She encounters her younger sister's undying love and her older sister's bitter resentment.

Barton Springs Lifeguards Prepare for a Flood in 2019

Shot and edited by Barton Springs Lifeguard Scott Cobb